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(A Company Affected by 1 Stop Maintenance)

We are wanting any clients, vendors or employees to supply
information leading to a class action law suit and/0r criminal
charges against  1 Stop Maintenance & Brett Finkelstein
Domain ( bought by Everest Concepts in order to receive information from affected 1 Stop Maintenance clients.

Services Provided & Not Paid For
















Reviews from: Pissed Consumer

I am so tired of having to ask to be paid by 1stop. Brett Finkelstein, Daneille Finkelstein, Cedric, Edwin, Jilma, Roma finkelstein, they all are part of the scam. Everyone of them refuse to pay their contractors even though the clients paid. Circle k pays them, Louis Vuitton pays them, and I get threats from Brett about legal action even though he owes me money. I have contacted the client who hired them and they confirmed they paid 1stop but Brett refuses to pay me. Roma got her ring in July and I am still asking for my money. Brett is a liar and a scammer. Pay your contractors!

- Roma A. 

This company has been giving me the runaround for months and still no payment. Brett Finkelstein is a thief and a scam artist.

He must have used company funds to go on that fancy trip and pay for a huge engagement ring - his fiance has been flaunting it on instagram. Pay your contractors! For everyone who has not been paid, reach out to the corporate offices of his clients and let them know that he isn't paying the contractors and that you will be placing a mechanic lien.

That is usually a violation of the client's lease which can mean a default. Hurting this company by getting to their revenue stream may be the only way to get paid.

- Anonymous

I'm still fighting to get thousands of dollars of money they owe us from over a year ago. They'll pay the first few invoices to gain trust and then will not pay again.

Their excuse is that their customer isn't paying them so they can't pay us. Their customer didn't call us to perform services,1stop hired us. Brett, the owner, even went as far a breaching their customer's confidentiality by telling me how much money, that specific company that we went to on a very regular basis, owed Brett. That's not my business to know and I'm sure their customer wouldn't appreciate it, whether true or not.

Weekly emails since early 2023 asking where the payments are with the same response of a check will be sent out...

and again the next week , over and over again for almost 12 months.

- Skilar


Reviews from: Google


There's a reason "CEO Response to Negative Reviews" is a top result when searching for 1 Stop Maintenance. Its' true, the company doesn't pay and their leadership is deceptive and rude. We looked at two jobs for them and let them know we had a diagnostic fee for each job over the phone before booking. Those diagnostic fees were never paid because they told us to sign a non-disclosure and non-compete agreement otherwise they couldn't pay us. That was after we went to their jobs. They said they sent the NC and NDA three different times, none of which we received. We took our loss where it was instead of forfeiting our rights to speak freely and truly about 1 Stop. Danielle, who appears to be an owner, was rude, lied, and tried to manipulate us.

For businesses/facility management considering hiring them, please reconsider and go with a different maintenance company as these people take advantage of their subcontractors and do not pay them. They steal the livelihood of the people they hire.

- Calvin F.

Don’t work with them, agreement was net 45 and it had been over net 60. Shameful Dawn Hardy does not provide additional information and is rude and condescending. I will persuing small claims courts against this fraudulent business. If you are a small business NEVER ACCEPT WORK from them. They owe a business owner associate of mine for over 6 months now. They will chase u and call u over 20 times a day to get u to do their job and when u finally do it they will all disappear and not pay you for your work !! Do not forget this !!

- Diego C.

Company owes us $650. When you call 1 stop maintenance they will tell you that you will receive an email from accounts payable. Because accounts payable don’t have phones in their office.

Don’t worry because accounts payable will never get back to you. Even gotten so bad they tell their subcontractors to CC the CEO on the email.

Have they ever paid any contractors?

There LinkedIn says they do $60 million in Buisness. So they have scammed hardworking mom and pop Buisness for $60 million.

When you choose 1 stop maintenance to perform your work, you screw a small Buisness. Would you choose them if you knew the small guy would get screwed?

Our next step will be reaching out the store front for payment.

We are lucky to only be out $650. If you take a read on the better Buisness bureau, you will see the 100s of contractors that have been screwed over.

I hope to have a prompt response from 1 stop tomorrow morning before I reach out to their clients for payments. It’s quite embarrassing, true lack of professionalism.


- Aidan L


Discussion Boards & Forums


Discussion Board


​Discussion Board

I used to work at sapphires with sahd (sabrina was her stripper name lol). she never came back after covid, & when we opened up again word at the club was that she was dating this customer, Brett. he was notoriously cheap & creepy, always asking for “new” & “young” girls. i follow this sub reddit, but not her, so i didnt put two & two together when they first got engaged. but when i read the post here about someone spotting them, the description of brett was spot on. i couldnt get his last name & have been sitting on this info for months. so yea- brett is a long time customer of sapphs & thats where they met. & he is so gross looking- i hope you guys find pics of him bc it would be so entertaining!!!!!!

- Anonymous

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Avery Potter

Everest Concepts - Owner

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